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Adding Character to Online Services 

Our Vision

We add a personalized touch to remote solutions. While some customers prefer to simply submit documents for editing and review, we saw the need for a more functional and productive approach. 


Optimal Editing editors offer complementary consultations and follow-up appointments to gain a complete understanding of each project or goal, discuss strengths and areas for improvement, and answer any questions. We are confident that our process ensures that our clients’ immediate and future needs are met.


We provide precise, affordable, and professional services, which  improve our customers' English proficiency markedly. We are proud that many new clients are referrals from previous ones. Contact us to schedule an appointment and experience what sets Optimal Editing apart.


We treat privacy with the utmost seriousness. Our clients can be assured that their identity and documents will remain confidential.

Coffee Cups
"J'ai commencé un nouvel emploi dans un cabinet d'avocats et j'ai dû interagir avec des clients anglophones. Zach m'a aidé à utiliser la terminologie juridique en toute confiance et examiné les documents pour s'assurer qu'ils transmettaient le sens exact que je destine."
"I started a new job in a law firm and had to interact with English speaking clients. Zach helped me use legal terminology with confidence and reviewed documents to ensure they conveyed the exact meaning I intended."

Isabelle W, Montreal, Canada

Law Clerk

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